R-effective of SARS-CoV-2 is "infinity": in many households, if one person gets infected, all the others household members will be infected as well. - The New Neander's Medical.

R-effective of SARS-CoV-2 is “infinite”: in many households, if one person gets infected, all the other household members will be infected as well.

The basic reproduction rate (R0) and the effective reproduction rate (R-effective) are another two concepts that are seriously flawed.
Many are incapable to understand and to respect hygiene and other prevention measures.
Top-down measures can hardly control the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, but literacy of population can.

Eskimo used to get their vitamin C together with fish tapeworms.

Modern health personalities and health enthusiasts continue believing dubious stories about the endless nutritional wisdom of primitive people. The reality is more prosaic. Eskimo liked their meat and fish raw, preferably fermented, and used to get their vitamin C by eating raw. Ample amounts of vitamin C, however, used to come at a price.