Graphical Abstract. Adeel Afzal on molecular technologies and RT PCR for COVID-19.

Essentials of RT PCR and other molecular diagnostic for COVID-19. Infection spread by mass PCR-testing.

Adeel Afzal, an author associated with Cairo University and the University of Hafr Al Batin in Saudi Arabia, wrote a quality article on molecular diagnostic technologies for COVID-19. It was received by the journal on June 25 and published on August 2, 2020. There is a lot of informative data and figures on RT PCR. We publish here some of Adeel Afzal’s figures, tables, and a couple of our notes.
Also, we publish our hypothesis: People buy antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 in pharmacies, do not go to test centers, do not get infected there. The “Rapid spread” ends.

R-effective of SARS-CoV-2 is "infinity": in many households, if one person gets infected, all the others household members will be infected as well. - The New Neander's Medical.

R-effective of SARS-CoV-2 is “infinite”: in many households, if one person gets infected, all the other household members will be infected as well.

The basic reproduction rate (R0) and the effective reproduction rate (R-effective) are another two concepts that are seriously flawed.
Many are incapable to understand and to respect hygiene and other prevention measures.
Top-down measures can hardly control the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, but literacy of population can.