COVID-19: learn to avoid infections.

On the attached picture from December 25, 2020, there are two hosts of acar review show. One already had COVID-19 and the other didn't. Which one had and which one didn't?

Last update and review: May 31, 2022.

A short summary.

We republish a list of very simple questions that should stimulate your thinking about avoiding infections. You need to understand why the questions are asked and to come up with reasonable answers. Individuals who can provide well-thought answers to the questons are deemed to be knowledgeable enough to minimize their risk of getting infected with respiratory and other infections.

The original post, also contained a description of the COVID-19 epidemic as we saw it at the time of publishing. Most of the content of that post remains valid.

Spread of infections will be close to zero in families, schools, workplaces, geographic areas where people understand and take simple precautions and hygiene measures.


Yet another variant of SARS-CoV2 is to infect a majority of population.

January 22, 2022: 90% of double- and triple-vaccinatged population of Denmark was to be infected with Omicron variant in just 30 days.

The New Neander’s Medical on January 22, 2022:

A devastatingly high rate of daily new infections with SARS-CoV-2 among “fully 2-dose vaccinated” 6-11 years old children in Denmark: 1714/100k of the population (12000/7). What is the point of this “vaccination” if in 30 days, 90% will have been infected?

The New Neander’s Medical on January 22, 2022:
A devastatingly high rate of daily new infections with SARS-CoV-2 among “fully 2-dose vaccinated” 6-11 years old children in Denmark: 1714/100k of the population (12000/7). What is the point of this “vaccination” if in 30 days, 90% will have been infected?

May 31, 2022: “SARSCoV2 infections in San Francisco are now at all-time highs.”

Originally tweeted by Michael Lin, MD PhD 🧬 (@michaelzlin) on May 31, 2022:

SARSCoV2 infections in San Francisco are now at all-time highs. Yes, higher than before vax, before widespread infections of the unvaccinated.

This spring wave is all BA.2, whereas winter wave was BA.1. BA.4 is low but could create another wave.

Note “COVID cases” don’t appear as high simply because we aren’t enforcing testing and reporting.

But anyway, is the pandemic phase of the pandemic over? Hard to make that case when some places are seeing their highest infection levels ever

“SARSCoV2 infections in San Francisco are now at all-time highs. Yes, higher than before vax, before widespread infections of the unvaccinated.” – Originally tweeted by Michael Lin, MD PhD 🧬 (@michaelzlin) on May 31, 2022.

10% of blood donors in Moscow have active forms of Epstein-Barr Virus infection.

From another article on this website:

Adapted from Solomay et al., 2021 (4):

“Active forms (of infection) with EBV was 11.97%. Frequency of blood donors with active infections caused by herpes simplex, types 1 and 2, EBV, cytomegalovirus, and human herpes type 6 virus amounted to 27.46/100 examined.”

Vaccination with dubious “vaccines”, “natural immunity”, i.e., past infections with SARS-CoV2 variants or with other pathogens, years of lockdowns, and excessive masking do not stop epidemics. Literacy does. Learn to avoid getting infected with pathogens.

A “Certificate of Civil Protection Aptitude During Epidemics”.

We designed a “Certificate of Civil Protection Aptitude During Epidemics”.
The certificate is delivered to individuals who can provide well-thought answers to the questons from our course on avoiding infections. Such individuals are deemed to be knowledgeable enough to minimize their risk of infection. Notably, the risk of getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 as well as with many other respiratory infections caused by viruses and bacteria. Many general principles also apply to non-respiratory infections.

You need to understand why the questions are asked and to come up with reasonable answers.

Send your answers to the following address:

contact-medical-en [at]

The last review and update of the course: December 27, 2020.

2/n Lesson 1.

1. Make several pictures of how you disinfect your mobile phone.
2. When during the day do you need to disinfect your mobile phone?
3. What disinfectant should you use to disinfect your mobile phone?

Lesson 2.
Point out what do the individuals on the attached 4 photos do wrong.

Lesson 3.
Can you recognize the “COVID-19 cough”?
If so, describe it.

Lesson 4.
Select the combination that protects you better.
1. Wearing a mask + hands disinfection.
2. Avoiding those who cough + hands disinfection.
3. Avoiding those who cought + not touching your face.

Lesson 5.
You drank something cold or ate an ice cream and you have pain in your throat some time later. There are other signs of infection.
1. Is this COVID-19?
2. If it is not, are you more vulnerable to get infected with SARS-CoV-2 or less vulnerable?

Lesson 6.
On the attached picture from December 25, 2020, there are two hosts of acar review show. One already had COVID-19 and the other didn’t. Which one had and which one didn’t?

 On the attached picture from December 25, 2020, there are two hosts of acar review show. One already had COVID-19 and the other didn't. Which one had and which one didn't?
The New Neander’s Medical: On the attached picture from December 25, 2020, there are two hosts of acar review show. One already had COVID-19 and the other didn’t. Which one had and which one didn’t?

Lesson 7.
You are queueing in a supermarket, waiting to pay your grosseries. Everybody wears a mask.
Behind you, there is a man who, every minute or two, makes sounds that resemble light cough or clearing throat.
Are you protected by your mask? What are your actions?

Lesson 8.
Bazaid et al., 2020: “These measures include hand washing,wearing masks and gloves, and avoidance of touching the face with unwashed hands.”
Is there anything missing in this list? Write your own list of protective measures or “anti-infection hygiene rules”.


To conclude, we repeat what is already stated above in this article:

Vaccination with dubious “vaccines”, “natural immunity”, i.e., past infections with SARS-CoV2 variants or with other pathogens, years of lockdowns, and excessive masking do not stop epidemics. Literacy does. Learn to avoid getting infected with pathogens.

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