“Standing desk” is to avoid. A Summary Statement.


Last update and review: August 18, 2021.

“Standing desk” is to avoid. A Summary Statement.

Do not use a standing desk for long periods of time. 30 minutes of standing is already too much. Standing desks are to avoid.


Quiet standing for 30 min was enough to trigger an inflammatory response in the venous wall.

Ortega et al., 2021:

“as the venous pressure while standing is higher in comparison to the pressure while sitting and even higher than the pressure when walking. Permanent standing in the workplace starts a persistent and harming venous stasis that progressively makes subjects more vulnerable to suffer from venous reflux and CVI, particularly if combined with other factors like aging”.



Biomechanical and biochemical alterations in chronic venous disease (abbreviated as “CVD” by Ortega et al., 2021).

Ortega et al., 2021:

“Biomechanical and biochemical alterations in CVD. As showed, ambulatory venous hypertension promotes a set of changes in the vascular wall, leading to a < n altered shear stress. The altered hemodynamic damage the endothelium, enhancing capillary permeability, leukocytes recruitment, lymphatic impairment, and edema formation. The microcirculatory dysfunction associated with these changes creates a hypoxic environment, and together with the inflammatory environment provide a extracellular matrix remodeling, eventually resulting in different venous wall compositions, reduced elasticity and extensibility,and venous fibrosis. This cycle is responsible for maintain and aggravate venous hypertension, getting worse with valve incompetence, reflux, and abnormalfunctioning of the calf muscle pump. Overall, these mechanisms are responsible for the progression of VVs to the most serious manifestations, such as skin changes and ulcerations.”

Famous people who used or use today a standing desk. Famous is not always physiologically literate. Do better than the famous.

Source: anthro (as one word) desk . com:

#7 Vladimir Nabokov. Although novelist Vladimir Nabokov didn’t stand the whole day while writing, he usually starts his work at a makeshift standing desk. According to him, it was a beautiful old-fashioned lectern in his study room. Nabokov is a practitioner of regular posture change while working, which is now promoted to be one of the best fitness practices in an office.


#8 Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll is said to write the famous stories “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Jabberwocky” at a standing desk. In an article written by Morton Cohen about the writer, it was mentioned that Carroll wrote stories always using a standing desk.


#9 Ernest Hemingway. One of the most well-known users of a standing desk is Ernest Hemingway. He is famous for working using a makeshift desk, which is set up as the typewriter placed on top of a bookshelf. He is said to have a working habit of standing while writing. He is known to create a standing pad made from the skin of a kudu or a variety of an African antelope. Nowadays, there are various types of anti-fatigue mats available in different marketplaces.


#10 Michael Dell. Michael Dell is one of the multi-billionaire entrepreneurs whose company provides millions of affordable PCs. He is also known to work while standing. A story published by Success Magazine in 2009 stated that Michael Dell could be seen standing behind a podium desk, working while standing. His office has chairs only for visitors.“

Toxic grassroots (bad influence): Naval Ravikant, a popular personality on social networks apparently (1.4 million “followers”), takes photos with a standing desk.


Toxic “Mainstream” (bad influence): promotion of dubious innovations in schools.

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