TABLE 2 Correlations between GDR and NMR lipoprotein subclass particle concentration and lipoprotein size. Source: Garvey, 2003.

High LDL particle number: is it really an indication of insulin resistance and/or of an increased risk of heart disease?

This article is a “Test of Physiological Literacy” derived from the discussion with one of our community members. The discussion is about the topics from a related test of physiological literacy and the answers that our community member proposed.

The time course of total triglycerides and chylomicron triglycerides. Source: Nowotny, 2013.

Postprandial triglycerides on low-carb and high-carb diets.

Non-fasting triglycerides have been proposed as a predictor of cardiovascular risk. In low-carb athletes and sedentary low-carbers, postprandial triglycerides rise to the same levels as those associated with higher cardiovascular risk in the general populattion. It is, however, not clear if higher postprandial triglycerides increase cardiovascular risk in people on low-carb diets.