Fig. 2 Effect of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin association on SARS-CoV 2 replication. 2A. Delta Ct between 0 and 60 h post infection. Ordered axis represents the variation of delta cycle-thresholds obtained by RT-PCR between H0 and H60 for each condition. Each point represents data obtained for one well. Number of replicates was indicated for each conditions are A10H5 n = 16, A10H2 n = 5, A10H1 n = 5, A5H5 n = 15, A5H2 n = 5, A5H1 n = 3, A2H5 n = 3, A2H2 n = 3, A2H1 n = 3 and n = 13 for the positive control. Median and interquartile range were indicated for each condition. *** represent significant results under p < 0,0005. Others are not significant compared to the control. 2B. Percentage of inhibition as compared to control by the combinations of 5 μM of hydroxychloroquine associated with 5 or 10 μM for azithromycin. Data represent the mean ± SD, representing three independent experiments conducted at least in triplicate. Source: Andreani et al., 2020.

Combined hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin show synergistic effect on SARS-CoV-2 in monkey Vero E6 cells in vitro but may not be effective in human alveoli, pneumocytes and other cells.

The cell types in which hydroxychloroquine is apparently ineffective include epithelial cells lining the nose, trachea, and distal airways, including alveoli and type II pneumocytes. However, it is useful to know that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin have a synergistic effect in the cell types where SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication is dependent on endosomal pH.

Raoult et Gautret on resistance aux antibiotics.

HCQ+AZ, the pre-therapy workup and the follow-up: electrolytes, electrocardiogram with corrected QT (Bazett’s formula) and more.

There are some contra-indications for the HCQ+AZ treatment. Also, patients need to be screened for potential prolongation of QT time on electrocardiogram and for electrolyte balance. Given that the IHU hospital in Marseille, France, is a pole of excellence, we recommend using their pre-therapy workup and the follow-up recommendations.

People are queuing to be tested for SARS-CoV-2 in the IHU Marseille of Didier Raoult. There is a high risk of getting infected in this situation. Staying in the cold also reduces innate immunity.

A test: Calculate the in-hospital mortality in the patients that did not receive either hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin in Marseille, France.

To find out if hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin (HCQ+AZ), the preferred treatment at the IHU hospital in Marseille, France, is effective, we need to calculate the in-hospital mortality in patients who did receive HCQ+AZ and in patients who didn’t.