A Test: A highly trained endurance athlete trains for two hours every day and follows a zero carb diet. How much protein and fat a day should he consume to cover his daily glucose expenditure?

Young elite cyclists can handle 700 grams of carbs and 4800 kCal of total calories a day without apparent metabolic damage.

Moro et al., 2020 (1), set out to test time-restricted eating in a group of young elite cyclists. However, their study is full of errors and confusion. We do not learn much. The rare intersting result is that the young cyclists could handle 700 grams a day of carbohydrates, in the context of a total caloric intake of 4800 kCal, without an increase in insulin and triglycerides. The study by More et al., 2020 (1), is another illustration of the fact that, in certain conditions, a very high carbohydrate intake can be well-tolerated and may not damage metabolism immediately. It is, however, not clear what impact such diet may have on metabolism at a longer term.

Does estrogen cause breast cancer? The opinion of Avrum Bluming and Carol Tavris.

Does estrogen cause breast cancer? The opinion of Avrum Bluming and Carol Tavris.

Avrum Bluming and Carol Tavris argue convincingly against estrogen as a causal factor in breast cancer. It is to note, however, that in our review of the published literature, we did notice a correlation between breast cancer and a phenotype where both estrogen and IGF-1 were elevated at the same time. Additional research in this area is needed. Simply dismissing estrogen involvement in postmenopausal breast cancer and being enthusiastic about hormone replacement are not the conclusions that we draw at our current understanding of the problem.